
Check out my newest project Beauty in the Waiting released alongside my amazing sister-in-law, Carlie Duplechin, under the name A Thousand Oaks! Available on all major online vendors!

Beauty in the Waiting album art

My albums Restore and Trying are both available iTunes and all other major online vendors!

To stream or purchase Restore go here.

Watch this video to hear the heart behind Restore:



7 thoughts on “Music

  1. Erin – I don’t know if you remember me, but we went to high school together. I sat down to do my Bible Study this evening and before I shut my computer, your name popped up on my newsfeed and I suddenly wondered how you were doing, hence the random blog post! I just wanted to thank you for sharing this beautiful song. I am recently married and it just struck a chord in my heart. I hope all is well with your family. God bless!

    • It took me second with your name change, but of course I remember you! Thanks for visiting my blog; I’m so glad you like the song. Congratulations on getting married! I’ve been married just over 4 years now and I’m always learning. Blessings and enjoy the journey!

  2. I finally came back and saw your comment! Thank you so much, Erin! I look forward to keeping up with you and your precious family through your blog! Thanks again for sharing!! 🙂



  3. I am a fellow missionary based out of TX and I just came across your blog through A Life Overseas. I have always loved “missionary stories” and then I discovered your music. Just beautiful… thank you for 2 treats in one! I will be following…

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